Potential Solutions For These Issues

Previously, we touched on some potential solutions for all of the different problems that we face.

Although there are many different ways to solve these issues, I do not claim to have all the answers.

I do know, however, that it is possible to find a fantastic career where you have the ability to be paid good money in order to help change the world. What could be better than this?

Almost every institution in this world needs to be revamped. Our political systems, economy, educational systems, churches, and justice systems all require drastic reformations and change.

Any job that you take on that involves bettering these systems is guaranteed to bring about positive change and benefits. The work may be difficult and challenging, but it is also incredibly fulfilling.

When going into this field, it is important to keep in mind that all institutions were originally made by groups of people who came together as one entity. Ultimately, individuals also still run these same institutions and organizations.

It is almost impossible to create long-lasting change at the institutional level, without also changing things at the individual level. If the individuals who run the institutions do not change the way that they do things, the institutions will eventually revert back to their old ways.

With this logic, it can be understand that changing the ways of just one individual has a much larger impact on the world than most realize.

As humans, we depend on institutions for almost everything. Institutions and social systems play a huge part in our day-to-day lives, and if they are created correctly, they can have huge positive impacts on our relationships, communities, and how we interact with others.

Some argue that technology and science are the keys to flourishing as a society, but those things can only make us grow so much. We have more than enough technology to survive as a species, and now we need to focus more on the effects that our survival has.

Our problems are complicated, and that is putting it lightly. Many assume that because our issues are so difficult, the solutions for them must be equally as difficult, too. Sometimes the best solutions also happen to be the easiest to understand.

– Always love and care for one another.

– Have compassion for all that is around you.

– Actively participate and care about all of the communities that you take part in, including the overall earth in general.

– Follow the values that are most dear to you, and stick to them.

– Believe that you can change the world, and that it has the capacity to become a better place.

If you want to fundamentally change the world, you need to set an example by living your life in the way that you want others to live theirs.

It was Gandhi that said that we need to be the change that we wish to see in the world, and he could not have been more correct.

We always get so caught up in wondering what the world needs in order to change, and this is not the question that we should be asking. As Dr. Howard Thurman has previously said,

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

I wholeheartedly agree with this quotation. The best way to change the world is to start by cultivating yourself. You need to have a good attitude, and you need to ensure that what you are doing makes you happy. If you are not content with your own life, you will never be able to positively affect others.

If you don’t have a good attitude and live by the principles that you preach, you will never inspire others, and they will look at “changemakers” in a negative light. This is something that you never want, and you should always avoid doing this.

Changing the world for the better means that we need all individuals to become active participants. We need to show everyone that they have the potential to be a changemaker.

Let's all make it our goal to show others how amazing being a changemaker can be!

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