The Difference Between Skills, Gifts and Passion

I stated earlier in this book that experience oftentimes proves to be “overrated”, and I stand by what I said.

Just because a majority of your job experience took place in a different industry or niche does not mean that the skills you acquired cannot carry over to your new career.

In fact, they may wind up being even more valuable than you had realized. These skills can very easily carry over, and many careers require similar things.

Additionally, skills are also very easy to acquire. They can be developed quite quickly, and they are by no means difficult to obtain. There are numerous outlets available for you to gain experience, and I urge you to take advantage of each and every one of them.

Many of the ways that you can earn experience also provide paychecks as well, which is very useful. Essentially, experience should never be an issue.

Passion is a completely different story, however.

It is much harder to learn to love something. If the passion is not there, it simply is not there. You cannot make yourself enjoy a career if you truly do not enjoy it. Time and time again, I have seen people get stuck in careers that they are incredibly talented at, but cannot stand.

Experience and talent are not everything, and they should not be the only reason that you take on a job. Once you get stuck in one industry that you do not like, it becomes incredibly easy to stay in that industry for an extensive amount of time. Avoid this trap altogether, and make passion one of the key aspects of your decision-making.

Trust me, you will be thanking me for this later. I want to see you in an industry where you are not only prospering, but are also happy. Making decisions based off of what you enjoy is a key component to finding the niche that you truly belong in.

For many industries, you may not even need a college degree. Naturally, this depends on what exactly you are pursuing, and this is by no means the case for every job that you would like to pursue. In the chapter entitled “Empowering Yourself for a Successful Career”, I will be teaching you everything you need to know about how to obtain the education that you need in an affordable and efficient manner.

There is no need for you to waste years of your life and thousands of dollars on schooling that is not actually required, and I want to help you avoid doing this. Millions of people have fallen into this trap, and you should never be one of them.

You can lead a successful career without ever having to worry about student debt, loans, or juggling four years in school while also working full time.

Once you learn how to successfully do this, your career path will suddenly become even easier than before. All it takes is a little bit of research on the vocation that you are pursuing, some determination, minimal training, and you will be set.

or go back to last chapter:

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