Reflecting on Your Various Options (Perception Optimization)

Whether you are currently deciding on if you should start your own business, make a new and exciting career move, or just add an additional stream of income to your life, I am here to make a few helpful suggestions that I hope will substantially help you while you are making these difficult and life changing decisions.

It is important to keep in mind that in many circumstances, you do not have to pick just one of these options. One of the best pieces of advice that I can ever give you is to never let your career become limited. Out of the numerous job ideas that I have previously provided you with, a vast majority of them have the opportunity to be combined into one.

These combinations can prove to be incredibly powerful and lucrative, and they are the perfect example of the concept of “synergy” that I have been referring to. Nothing should ever stop you from mixing and matching pieces of certain careers that you feel would work well together.

Many skills and passions can be cohesively combined, and the individuals who make these successful combinations are the ones that truly thrive career wise. My career has been a perfect example of this. I have managed to successfully combine online workshops and seminars, writing, coaching, and the selling of informational products all into one vocation.

This vocation empowers and inspires both current and future changemakers each and every day, and that is something that I am truly proud of. I had a strong passion for all of those jobs, and I thought to myself, “Hey, why pick just one?” If nothing was able to stop me, nothing should be able to stop you either.

Do everything that you possibly can in order to make sure that you are happy with your career and the impact that it has on the world. If you do not do this, I guarantee that you will wind up regretting it at some point.

Start by Developing a List

I strongly recommend that you start your career decision making by developing a list of all of the different job options that you find to be genuinely appealing. Then, once you have completed this step, go back through each job option that you have written down, and look at them through the four different lenses that I included earlier in this book:

1) What are your personal strengths? What kinds of thing have you found that you are particularly good at?
2) What do you have experience with? This does not have to be job related, and it does not even need to be extensive experience.
3) What specific subjects, industries, and topics are you most passionate about in life?
4) Finally, what would you ideally love to do? Where is the place in life that you dream that you will wind up at?

Once you have done this, give yourself a rating on a 1-10 scale for how well you personally think that you fit each of these pieces of criteria for every job possibility. Then, add all of the numbers up together. Although I am by no means telling you to decide what career to pursue based off of which option winds up having the highest number, I am providing you with this technique in order to potentially help you make a decision.

These scores will give you valuable input and insight, and they can help you to weed out certain jobs from your list. This activity will also allow you to reflect on yourself and your skills, which can prove to be invaluable in both the long and short run. Additionally, once you start doing this, I guarantee that you will begin asking the right questions and pondering the things that you should be thinking about.

It is very important to keep in mind that it may be rather difficult to give yourself an accurate score without first doing some research about each job. The first time that you do this exercise, you may find yourself doing a lot of guessing and estimating. This is normal, and I did the same.

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