Guerilla Marketing

For any business to be successful, there must be a proper marketing strategy. Marketing is the sole most important key to a business' success. Marketing is not just advertising, either. Marketing involves customer interaction, maintaining a strong consumer base, as well as advertising.

In Guerilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson breaks down every aspect to marketing in simple, easy-to understand principles. These principles can be adapted and utilized by any type of business, which is why Guerilla Marketing is one of the most popular business books on Amazon and other retailers.

The Key Principles to Marketing

In total, there are sixteen main “secrets” of marketing. However, since every business is different Levinson uses a philosophical approach to marketing rather than simple, actionable steps. This is meant to inspire readers to put these principles to action based on their on business' individual needs.

The sixteen marketing “secrets” are:

* Commit to your marketing program from the beginning until the end.

* Look at your marketing program as an investment for the future.

* Be sure that your marketing program stays consistent.

* Instill confidence in your prospects.

* Have patience when trying to keep your commitments.

* A marketing program should be viewed as an assortment of weapons or tools.

* Profits are not the purpose of a sale and instead of subsequent to it.

* Make sure your customers find you products and services convenient.

* Use humor within your marketing program.

* Always measure the effectiveness of each aspect of your marketing program.

* Always follow up with your customers to continue building a relationship.

* Always develop a dependence on other businesses to succeed.

* Have a good understanding of knowledge.

* A main goal of your marketing program should be to get consent from prospects.

* Utilize engaging content to sell your products and services.

* Always work to improve and enhance your marketing program.

Guerilla Marketing Review Summary

While simple, many businesses fail because they fail to address several of these marketing principles. After reading Guerilla Marketing, you’ll have a much better idea how to creatively improve your brand and increase your sales as a result.

Every small business owner can benefit from reading the Guerilla Marketing book but only businesses that take action on these principles will really understand their true origin and meaning. Guerilla Marketing is a must buy for anybody who does not have a background in marketing.

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