Think and Grow Rich

It's kind of a silly question but would you rather be rich or poor?
It's safe to say almost everybody would rather be rich.
However, while everybody dreams of being rich, few truly have the knowledge or mindset to become wealthy.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill describes the key principles needed to obtain wealth and success in a very simple manner that is easy to understand.
These principles were developed after Hill interviewed hundreds of successful people like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Food, Charles Schwab, Thomas Edison, and many more.

The Thirteen Principles

According to Hill, success is found if thoroughly understand and base your life off of these thirteen principles:

Desire: There’s a clear distinction between wishing for something and truly desiring it. Once you know what you actually desire in life, you can make it a reality.

Faith: The limitations we put upon ourselves are the only true limitations we face. Filling yourself with confidence and faith, even when things get tough, is the only way to succeed.

Auto Suggestion: You have to learn how to direct your own thoughts and use visualization to put yourself in a mindset to fulfill your goals and dreams.

Specialized Knowledge:Some of the wealthiest people in the world were not the most intelligent human beings. Instead, they had specialized knowledge which helped them obtain their goals, which is much more valuable than general knowledge.

Imagination: Just remember, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”

Organized Planning: Success isn’t random. You need to map out your goals and how you are going to accomplish them to move toward being successful.

Decision: Procrastination is the angel of death for success. You must decide and do things to be successful.

Persistence: Things are not always going to be easy. You need to keep moving forward even when life gets tough.

Mastermind: Identify like-minded people and brainstorm ideas with each other and motivate each other to reach success.

Sex Transmutation: Remember, sex sells. Master this principle.

Subconscious Mind: Feeding our desires to our subconscious helps us stay motivated and enables us to reach our full potential.

The Brain: Mastering different controlling factors of our brain will give put you a step ahead of everybody else.

Our Sixth Sense: Opening your mind, accepting a new reality, and letting go of things will enable you to move forward in life and business.

Think and Grow Rich Review Summary

Think and Grow Rich masterfully identifies key concepts that the average person can utilize to obtain wealth and success. Hill details how and why each principle applies to life and business in a simple, yet eye-opening way. Think and Grow Rich is seventy years old but every single principle applies to today’s world. Consider it a must-read.

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